Journaling Chats with Karlee

Journaling Chats with Karlee


Welcome to 'Journaling Chats', where we talk with positivity queens, inspiring goddesses, empowering wonder women, and awe-inspiring girl bosses.

Our vision is to uncover how these lovely ladies nurture their soul and feed their mind through the act of journal writing, to share their tips and insight with Intrinsic's beautiful community.

Here we chat with Karlee Imogen; reiki master healer, intuitive reader, yoga and meditation teacher, so grab a cuppa, get comfy, and read below to learn Karlee's tips and tricks for journaling your way to a more empowered life:

What is your definition of journaling? What does it mean to you?

For me, journaling is the place you can go to really listen to your inner-self. It is an outlet for self-expression where you may be unable to find those words verbally. It is a vehicle to help bring clarity to daily life. A mental, emotional and spiritual ritual.

What role does journaling play in your mindfulness / self-care practice?
Journaling is one of the key tools in my mindfulness practice, it is something I can pick up and put down when I need it. Whether that is daily, weekly or monthly, I know when to reach for my journal. It always amazes me the energy that shifts afterwards.

How long have you been a journaler? What prompted you to start journaling?
I have always enjoyed writing, I have so many diaries from about 8 years old that I just use to write down what I had done that day, that then grew into more of a journaling practice to help me process emotions. I never really overthought it, I just knew journaling was something that helped me and I have continued with it into my adult life.

What impact has journaling had on your life? How has it helped you?
Being a libra and a vata dosha (very air-like tendencies) I tend to always be on the go - physically and mentally - so journaling helps to keep me grounded, it gets me back into alignment and leading with my heart. I use it to help me reflect, set goals, process emotions, brain dump, and manifest.

What are your top 3 tips for those wanting to start journaling?
My top 3 tips to start journaling:
1. Writing an affirmation or daily gratitude is a great way to get familiar with journaling.
2. Set up a 'sacred’ space/area with crystals, candles, etc that you can go to as part of your journaling ritual.
3. Let go of the need to control the words, or any need to structure the writing in any way, allow it to just flow.

Feeling inspired to get into journal writing? Discover our journaling collection or read more tips for starting your journaling journey.

Hear more from the beautiful Karlee by popping over to the Karlee Imogen website, liking Karlee Imogen on Facebook or following @karleeimogen on Instagram to tap into her beautiful and heartfelt vibes.

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